HTTP Basic authentication

Media Gateway can control access to the server via a username/password authentication (HTTP Basic Authentication). HTTP Basic authentication should be used with HTTPS (see HTTPS) to provide confidentiality. The only endpoint that is available to anyone is a health endpoint. Usernames and passwords are taken from etcd. An optional quarantine feature is available. A user is quarantined for a period if the amount of failed attempts to authenticate reaches the maximum. An error response without password checks is returned if the user is quarantined which reduces risks of attacks (e.g. password hacking, DoS).

Savant messages contain routing labels. Media Gateway server can be configured to accept messages from a user only if routing labels are allowed. Allowed labels in the form of a label filter rule are taken from etcd.


  • Docker

  • Docker Compose

  • openssl

  • curl

Configuring Media Gateway

To use HTTP Basic authentication update server and client configurations. Examples below show the full possible configuration. See Configuration and Caching for more details.

"auth": {
    "basic": {
        "etcd": {
            "urls": [
            "tls": {
                "root_certificate": "etcd-ca.crt",
                "identity": {
                    "certificate": "etcd-client.crt",
                    "key": "etcd-client.key"
            "credentials": {
                "username": "etcd-user",
                "password": "etcd-password"
            "path": "/users",
            "data_format": "json",
            "lease_timeout": {
                "secs": 60,
                "nanos": 0
            "connect_timeout": {
                "secs": 30,
                "nanos": 0
            "cache": {
                "size": 10,
                "usage": {
                    "period": {
                        "secs": 60,
                        "nanos": 0
                    "evicted_threshold": 10
        "cache": {
            "size": 10,
            "usage": {
                "period": {
                    "secs": 60,
                    "nanos": 0
                "evicted_threshold": 10
        "quarantine": {
            "failed_attempt_limit": 3,
            "period": {
                "secs": 60,
                "nanos": 0
"auth": {
    "basic": {
        "username": "user",
        "password": "password"


  • etcd-ca.crt is a file with the CA certificate in PEM format.

  • etcd-client.crt is a file with the client in PEM format.

  • etcd-client.key is a file with the client key in PEM format.

Running etcd with TLS authentication

In order to expose the etcd API to clients outside of the Docker host use the host IP address when configuring etcd. In the command below replace with your value.

export HOST_IP=""

Generating certificates

Generate certificates signed by a private CA

mkdir certs

# Generate CA private key
openssl genpkey -algorithm RSA -out certs/ca.key

# Generate CA self-signed certificate
openssl req -new -x509 -days 365 -key certs/ca.key -out certs/ca.crt -subj "/CN=etcd-ca"

# Generate server private key
openssl genpkey -algorithm RSA -out certs/server.key

# Generate server CSR
openssl req -new -key certs/server.key -out certs/server.csr -subj "/CN=etcd-server"

# Generate server certificate signed by the CA with IP address subject alternative name
openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in certs/server.csr -CA certs/ca.crt -CAkey certs/ca.key -CAcreateserial -out certs/server.crt -extfile <(echo "subjectAltName=IP:${HOST_IP}")

# Generate client private key
openssl genpkey -algorithm RSA -out certs/client.key

# Generate client CSR
openssl req -new -key certs/client.key -out certs/client.csr -subj "/CN=etcd-client"

# Generate client certificate signed by the CA
openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in certs/client.csr -CA certs/ca.crt -CAkey certs/ca.key -CAcreateserial -out certs/client.crt

Launching etcd

Environment variables below declare the docker image and the port on the host for etcd.


Launch etcd

docker run -d \
    -p $ETCD_PORT:2379 \
    -e ETCD_TRUSTED_CA_FILE=/etc/certs/ca.crt \
    -e ETCD_CERT_FILE=/etc/certs/server.crt \
    -e ETCD_KEY_FILE=/etc/certs/server.key \
    -v $(pwd)/certs:/etc/certs \
    --name etcd \

Creating a user

Creating a password hash

To generate an Argon2 password hash use any utility.

Valid Argon2 hashes for passwords used in this guide


Argon2 password hash







Preparing user data

User data in etcd are stored as an object in JSON/YAML format with the following schema

  "$schema": "",
  "title": "Media Gateway user data schema",
  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "password_hash": {
      "description": "Argon2 password hash in PHC string format.",
      "type": "string"
    "allowed_routing_labels": {
      "type": "object",
      "anyOf": [
        {"$ref": "#/$defs/set"},
        {"$ref": "#/$defs/unset"},
        {"$ref": "#/$defs/and"},
        {"$ref": "#/$defs/or"},
        {"$ref": "#/$defs/not"}
  "required": [ "password_hash" ],
  "$defs": {
    "set": {
      "description": "Set label rule: routing labels must contain a specified label.",
      "type": "string"
    "unset": {
      "description": "Unset label rule: routing labels must not contain a specified label.",
      "type": "string"
    "and" : {
      "description": "And label rule: labels rules combined with and logic.",
      "type": "array",
      "items": {
        "anyOf": [
          {"$ref": "#/$defs/set"},
          {"$ref": "#/$defs/unset"},
          {"$ref": "#/$defs/and"},
          {"$ref": "#/$defs/or"},
          {"$ref": "#/$defs/not"}
    "or" : {
      "description": "Or label rule: labels rules combined with or logic.",
      "type": "array",
      "items": {
        "anyOf": [
          {"$ref": "#/$defs/set"},
          {"$ref": "#/$defs/unset"},
          {"$ref": "#/$defs/and"},
          {"$ref": "#/$defs/or"},
          {"$ref": "#/$defs/not"}
    "not" : {
      "description": "Not label rule: a negation of the specified label rule.",
      "type": "object",
      "items": {
        "anyOf": [
          {"$ref": "#/$defs/set"},
          {"$ref": "#/$defs/unset"},
          {"$ref": "#/$defs/and"},
          {"$ref": "#/$defs/or"},
          {"$ref": "#/$defs/not"}


user data without allowed routing labels in JSON
  "password_hash": "$argon2i$v=19$m=12,t=3,p=1$YXkzZmx1eTFwVW5hZ0R2S1dXazA$VxVMw2Omh1CeVqry8Cay+4OZ69OGvn4fma2M5rURZhI"
user data with a set label rule in JSON
  "password_hash": "$argon2i$v=19$m=12,t=3,p=1$YXkzZmx1eTFwVW5hZ0R2S1dXazA$VxVMw2Omh1CeVqry8Cay+4OZ69OGvn4fma2M5rURZhI",
  "allowed_routing_labels": {
    "set": "label"

Saving user data

Save data with a password password1 for a user with the name user1 in etcd under the path /users

docker run -it --rm \
    -v $(pwd)/certs:/etc/certs \
    etcdctl \
    --cacert /etc/certs/ca.crt \
    --cert /etc/certs/client.crt \
    --key /etc/certs/client.key \
    --endpoints https://$HOST_IP:$ETCD_PORT \
    put \
    /users/user1 \
    '{"password_hash": "$argon2i$v=19$m=12,t=3,p=1$YXkzZmx1eTFwVW5hZ0R2S1dXazA$VxVMw2Omh1CeVqry8Cay+4OZ69OGvn4fma2M5rURZhI"}'



To test the server only prepare a configuration file. The configuration below does not contain TLS settings for simplicity. For production HTTP Basic authentication should be used with HTTPS (see HTTPS).

cat << EOF > media-gateway-server.json
    "ip": "",
    "port": 8080,
    "auth": {
        "basic": {
            "etcd": {
                "urls": [
                "tls": {
                    "root_certificate": "/etc/certs/ca.crt",
                    "identity": {
                        "certificate": "/etc/certs/client.crt",
                        "key": "/etc/certs/client.key"
                "path": "/users",
                "data_format": "json",
                "lease_timeout": {
                    "secs": 60,
                    "nanos": 0
                "connect_timeout": {
                    "secs": 30,
                    "nanos": 0
                "cache": {
                    "size": 10,
                    "usage": {
                        "period": {
                            "secs": 60,
                            "nanos": 0
                        "evicted_threshold": 10
            "cache": {
                "size": 10,
                "usage": {
                    "period": {
                        "secs": 60,
                        "nanos": 0
                    "evicted_threshold": 10
            "quarantine": {
                "failed_attempt_limit": 3,
                "period": {
                    "secs": 60,
                    "nanos": 0
    "out_stream": {
        "url": "pub+bind:ipc:///tmp/server",
        "send_timeout": {
            "secs": 1,
            "nanos": 0
        "send_retries": 3,
        "receive_timeout": {
            "secs": 1,
            "nanos": 0
        "receive_retries": 3,
        "send_hwm": 1000,
        "receive_hwm": 1000,
        "fix_ipc_permissions": 511

Launch the server (change the value of MEDIA_GATEWAY_PORT in the command below if required)


docker run -d \
    -v $(pwd)/media-gateway-server.json:/opt/etc/custom_config.json \
    -v $(pwd)/certs:/etc/certs \
    -p $MEDIA_GATEWAY_PORT:8080 \
    --name media-gateway-server \ \

docker run -d \
    -v $(pwd)/media-gateway-server.json:/opt/etc/custom_config.json \
    -v $(pwd)/certs:/etc/certs \
    -p $MEDIA_GATEWAY_PORT:8080 \
    --name media-gateway-server \ \

For simplicity an invalid request is used for testing. Send a request with a valid user name and password.

curl -v -u user1:password1 http://$HOST_IP:$MEDIA_GATEWAY_PORT/ -X POST

HTTP response with 400 Bad Request status code should be returned. It means that authentication is successful.

Send a request with an invalid user name and password.

curl -v -u user1:password http://$HOST_IP:$MEDIA_GATEWAY_PORT/ -X POST

HTTP response with 401 Unauthorized status code should be returned. It means that authentication fails.

Send the last request two more times. Each time HTTP response with 401 Unauthorized status code should be returned. After that send the request with the valid password. HTTP response with 401 Unauthorized status code should be returned during 1 minute, after 1 minute - HTTP response with 400 Bad Request status code.

Add a new user user2 with a password password2 and send a request using it to test that new users are loaded.

docker run -it --rm \
    -v $(pwd)/certs:/etc/certs \
    etcdctl \
    --cacert /etc/certs/ca.crt \
    --cert /etc/certs/client.crt \
    --key /etc/certs/client.key  \
    --endpoints https://$HOST_IP:$ETCD_PORT \
    put \
    /users/user2 \
    '{"password_hash": "$argon2i$v=19$m=12,t=3,p=1$c0ZYQ1d3VWxabmx0ZUVmWDNIeVk$qHLr2T3xvedA5zZfTZhbNt3sXB9pa/xlFQ9dVmZG8DQ"}'

curl -v -u user2:password2 http://$HOST_IP:$MEDIA_GATEWAY_PORT/ -X POST

Change the password for the user user2 to password and send a request using the old and new password to test that users are updated.

docker run -it --rm \
    -v $(pwd)/certs:/etc/certs \
    etcdctl \
    --cacert /etc/certs/ca.crt \
    --cert /etc/certs/client.crt \
    --key /etc/certs/client.key \
    --endpoints https://$HOST_IP:$ETCD_PORT \
    put \
    /users/user2 \
    '{"password_hash": "$argon2i$v=19$m=12,t=3,p=1$RzNHVVBjQXo4WUNBUUZYSnlOaGc$9Jmizcl1dv6maVzyIiuMV1OB1P9l6PKLbdmNjJDIgaU"}'

curl -v -u user2:password2 http://$HOST_IP:$MEDIA_GATEWAY_PORT/ -X POST

curl -v -u user2:password http://$HOST_IP:$MEDIA_GATEWAY_PORT/ -X POST

Clean up after testing

docker stop media-gateway-server etcd

docker rm media-gateway-server etcd

rm -rf certs media-gateway-server.json


To test both server and client based on Usage example

  • update server_config.json and client_config.json in the downloaded archive as described above

  • add volumes for media-gateway-server (key and certificate files) in docker-compose-x86.yaml and docker-compose-arm64.yaml in the downloaded archive

Clean up after testing

docker stop etcd

docker rm etcd

rm -rf certs